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2018-2019 Dress Code

May 22, 2018

Read More - 2018-2019 Dress Code

2018-2019 DRESS CODE


Student Appearance and dress code

Responsibility for the dress and appearance of students enrolled in the Madison County School District primarily rests with parents and the students. Some student apparel, however, may not be appropriate to wear to school even though that same apparel may be appropriate to wear in other settings. To assist parents and students in making appropriate fashion and grooming decisions for school, the School Board has established the following minimal guidelines for the appearance and dress of students (Florida Statutes 1001.43(1)(b) and 1006.07(2)(d)).


The standards of appearance for students shall ensure that the students be clean, neat, and properly dressed. Students shall maintain standards of dress and personal grooming which are appropriate for the academic environment. It is the responsibility of the principal to ensure that the dress and/or appearance of any student shall not be extreme nor to the point of creating a disturbance that is hazardous to him/herself, others, or to school property, even if the specific case is not covered by the information below. The principal or principal’s designee has the final authority for interpreting whether a student’s apparel/appearance conforms to the dress code.

Note: Students attending Madison County Excel Alternative Education Center must adhere to the approved dress code described in the school’s dress code/ policy found in this Code of Conduct.


Students have the right to dress comfortably in clothing that is appropriate for school, is not dangerous to health and safety, and does not create a substantial and material disruption to the school.



(1)    HEAD

  • No sunglasses, hats, caps, visors, hoods or other head coverings (i.e. bonnets, wave caps, scarfs, etc.) may
                be worn inside the buildings, except with administrative permission (i.e. medical necessity, religious,
                school   related events, outdoor activities). All hoodies must remain off the head while inside the   
                 buildings. No bandanas may be worn at any time.



  • Students may wear the following upper garments:  shirts with or without collars, t-shirts, or button-down shirts that are any color or color pattern.   These shirts may have writing or logos as long as they are deemed appropriate by school site administration. (Printed profanity or language/symbols/styles that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, gang-related or other illegal activities are prohibited.)
  • Garments must be of a length and fit that are suitable for the build and stature of the student.
  • Clothing exposing the torso or midriff, either front, back or sides shall not be worn. The following items are prohibited: halter tops, tube tops, backless dresses/tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops, one-strap/one-shoulder tops, and strapless tops.
  • Garments may not be made of transparent or “see through” material. Note: If undergarments are visible the upper garment is not permitted.
  • Necklines of all upper garments must be modest. Low cut necklines are prohibited, and the cut of garments must not expose undergarments or cleavage.
  • Shirts must touch, at a minimum, the top portion of lower garments at all times.
  • Garments that are offensive, distracting or inappropriate are prohibited, including but not limited to those with see-through materials, skintight items, pajamas, rips/tears, printed profanity, or language/symbols/styles that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, gang-related or other illegal activities.





Students may wear lower garments designed with tears or rips provided such tears or rips are below the knee. Rips/tears above the knee must be patched so that no skin is visible. Shorts, tights or any other type of undergarment worn underneath the pants are not considered patches.

    • Undergarments and the buttocks MUST remain entirely covered even while seated. 
    • Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be no shorter than four (4) inches above the knee.
    • Leggings may only be worn under a top that is no shorter than four (4) inches above the knee.
    • The waistband of pants, shorts or skirts must be worn and secured between the hips and the waist.
    • Undergarments as outerwear, pajama pants, bathing suits, cheer shorts, bike shorts and spandex material bottoms are prohibited.  (Examples: leggings, jeggings, tights, yoga pants, etc.)



  • Students must wear shoes that are safe and appropriate for the learning environment.
  • Cleats, slippers, and shoes with wheels are not permitted to be worn on campus. Cleats may be worn for appropriate extracurricular sports in proper areas
  • Grades PK-8:  All footwear must be “closed toe and heel”. No flip flops, sandals or “Crocs” are permitted.



  • Clothing, jewelry, and accessories shall not convey messages that are: crude, vulgar/profane, violent/death-oriented, gang related, sexually suggestive, promote alcohol, drugs or tobacco.
  • Jewelry or accessories, to include body piercings that pose a safety concern for the student or others are prohibited. Dog collars, wallet chains, combs, large hair picks or chains that connect one part of the body to another are prohibited.
  • Blankets should not be brought to school unless approved by school administration.


NOTE: The principal or the principal’s designee has the final authority for interpreting whether a student’s apparel/appearance conforms to the dress code and hinders the education/safety of all students.



If the principal determines that a student’s clothing does not comply with Board policy, his/her parent/guardian may be asked to bring an appropriate change of clothes to school, or the student may be asked to leave an after-school activity.  The student may also receive a disciplinary consequence for violating the school’s dress code policy.  Repeated violations may result in progressively more serious consequences.













Madison County Excel Alternative Education Center

Personal appearance is critical to the success of a student.  To dress the part of being a student is to be neat, clean, and not distracting to others. 



  • Black, white, gray, maroon or blue shirts with collar and sleeves only.
  • Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
  • No tight-fitting shirts may be worn at any time.
  • No logos, emblems, writing or pictures more than one inch, unless it is the MCEAEC logo.




  • Solid colored pants (navy, black or khaki) with belt loops.  Only one pair of pants may be worn at one time.
  • A black or brown belt must be worn at all times.
  • No jeans, sweatpants, oversized pants, baggy pants or tight-fitting pants may be worn at any time.
  • Pants must be worn at the waistline at all times and may not drag the ground.  Tucking pants legs into socks or tying around the ankles is prohibited.



  • Black or white sneakers/tennis shoes or other black or brown enclosed flat shoes must be worn at all times. 
  • Shoes must be worn with socks at all times.



(4)    HEAD

  • No head gear, head rags, bandanas, hair curlers, wave caps, or sun visors are allowed.
  • Hats, hoods, or gloves may be worn outside in weather below forty (40) degrees.
  • No hooded jackets or pullover garments worn over the school uniform are permitted inside the building.




  • Hair should be neat and well-groomed and without foreign objects such as, hair combs and hair picks, or other items that could be used as or used to hide weapons or drug paraphernalia.
  • No facial jewelry except eyeglasses. (Example:  no lip, tongue, nose, or eyebrow jewelry.)
  • No dental grills, unless surgically attached by a dentist.
  • No book bags are permitted.
  • No blankets are permitted.


NOTE: The principal or the principal’s designee has the final authority for interpreting whether a student’s apparel/appearance conforms to the dress code and hinders the education/safety of all students.








Read More - District Creative Writing Contest 2018

2018 District Creative Writing Winners


The Magic Butterfly Ride - Alexa Coe
Elephants - Kianne Glenn
If I Could Be Any Animal - Trinity Robinson

First Grade

A Sad Whale Story - Dakota Tuten
The Prince and the Princess - Ilani Gallon

Second Grade

The Rock Adventures - Evie Smith
Super Fighting Heroes - Riley Sheffield
Lava Girl - Kamari Maxwell

Third Grade

Peacock and the Magical Zebra - Kendall Odom
The Day My Dream Came True - Ariel Barry
The Martian that Came to Earth - Kynobi Brinson

Fourth Grade

Please Don't Shoot - McKensie Fogle
The Pest - Addison French
Mountain Trail - Addison Taylor

Fifth Grade

The Swap - Jaidyn Wesley
Narwhal Tales - Hafitha Ayyad
Skunk on the Loose - Jackson Croft

Sixth Grade

Through A Child's Eyes - Daisy Contreras
Changing Fate - Deja Lee

Seventh Grade

The Taxi - Zaleigh Dixon
Gone Mother - Jaquan Robinson
Bullying - Jaohn Jackson

Eighth Grade

Grandma's Superhero - Cidney Hicks
Nature, Nature, Nature - Montrezus Hopkins
My Family Hero - Faizah Young

High School

Lilac Sky - Anna Collins

Read More - Kindergarten Registration

Please find listed below the dates for 2018-2019 Kindergarten Registration at our district elementary schools. If you have a child who will turn 5 years old before September 1, 2018 and is NOT currently enrolled in a district PreK Program, then please visit your school to get them registered for the upcoming 2018-19 school year. 

Lee Elementary KG Registration and Screenings:  May 14th-May 16th from 3:00 pm-5:00 pm

Greenville Elementary KG Registration:  May 15th - May 17th from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

Madison County Central KG Registration:  May 21st-May 22nd and June 4th-June 5th from 8:30 am-2:30 pm

Pinetta Elementary:  May 21st-May 22nd from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

For Registration forms please click here.

Read More - Teacher Appreciation Week 2018
Thank you to all of our teachers and staff who work hard to make a difference in the lives of our students everyday.

Negotiating Session

April 23, 2018

Read More - Negotiating Session
Notice of Negotiations
Representatives for the Madison County School Board and the Madison County Education Association will meet at 3:30 on Monday, April 23, 2018 for negotiating purposes.
The meeting will be held in the media center at Madison County Central School.
Read More - Changes to Administrative Procedures and Exceptional Student Education Special Policies & Procedures

NOTICE:  The District School Board of Madison County, Florida, will hold a public hearing on Monday, May 21,  2018 at 6:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held in the School Board Meeting Room of the Superintendent’s office, 210 N.E. Duval Avenue, Madison, FL for the following purpose:


  • Changes to the Exceptional Student Education Special Policies & Procedures
  • Changes to Administrative Procedures on Suspension and Dismissal of Employees


The proposed documents may be viewed at the School Board Office, 210 NE Duval Avenue, Madison, Florida.  Statutory Authority:  120.54, 1001.43 F.S.


If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board, with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based
Read More - April is Volunteer Appreciation Month

The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) will celebrate Florida School Volunteer Appreciation during the month of April. From donating time to assist with classroom and school activities to mentoring students, volunteers play a significant role in our schools. When schools and volunteers work together to support learning everyone benefits. Therefore, it is important that we celebrate volunteers who serve tirelessly to improve the lives of Florida’s students.

During the 2016-2017 school year, over 500,000 volunteers reported almost 16 million hours in Florida schools. We are grateful for the incredible volunteers who have shown outstanding dedication and commitment to quality education in Florida.

We appreciate all of our Volunteers for their continued support and dedicatiion to the students of Madison County.


We would like to thank the following community supporters for their assistance with the Employee Appreciation Dinners.  The dinners were wonderful and were enjoyed by all in attendance.

Mr. Bart Alford, School Board Member

Architillery Missionary Baptist Church

Bro. Terrance Boatman

Burns Funeral Home

Cascade Missionary Baptist Church

CrossPointe Church

Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church

First United Methodist Church

Mrs. Carol Gibson, School Board Member

Genesis Missionary Baptist Church

Greenville Baptist Church

Hanson United Methodist

Lee United Methodist

Madison Church of God

Midway Baptist Church

Revelation Missionary Baptist Church

Rocky Spring United Methodist Church

Sanctuary of Praise

Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church (Madison)

St. James Missionary Baptist Church

St. Johns Missionary Baptist Church

St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church

Ms. Susie Williamson, School Board Member

We would also like to say a "Special Thank You" to Mr. George Williams and Mr. Jason Justus for planning and hosting the dinners.

Read More - April 9, 2018 is now a Student Holiday
Madison County School District personnel will be participating in School Safety Training provided by the Madison County Sheriff's Office. This training will be held on Monday, April 9, 2018. Due to this training, Monday, April 9, 2018 will be a student holiday and an employee workday. Students will NOT report to school on Monday, April 9, 2018.